[. . . ] Remplacezles uniquement par le même type ou un type équivalent. [. . . ] ||NOTA | 06 Servizi di rete Creazione di un account Samsung Creare un account Samsung consente di trarre vantaggio da tutto ciò che Samsung offre online. Creando un account per ogni membro della propria famiglia, ognuno può accedere al proprio account su Facebook, Twitter, ecc. 0, 60 €/Anruf) 8009 4000 only from landline, toll free 80111-SAMSUNG (80111 726 7864) only from land line (+30) 210 6897691 from mobile and land line 0680SAMSUNG (0680-726-786) 0680PREMIUM (0680-773-648) 800-SAMSUNG (800. A B C RETURN EXIT Uso del menú de opciones \\ Depending on the disc or storage device, the View menu may differ or not appear. The Update Apps screens lists all the apps that have updates available. 0, 60 €/Anruf) 8009 4000 only from landline, toll free 80111-SAMSUNG (80111 726 7864) only from land line (+30) 210 6897691 from mobile and land line 0680SAMSUNG (0680-726-786) 0680PREMIUM (0680-773-648) 800-SAMSUNG (800. Cor Profunda HDMI Lets you set the product to output HDMI video with Deep Colour. Deep Colour provides more accurate Colour reproduction with greater Colour depth. [. . . ] 0, 60 €/Anruf) 8009 4000 only from landline, toll free 80111-SAMSUNG (80111 726 7864) only from land line (+30) 210 6897691 from mobile and land line 0680SAMSUNG (0680-726-786) 0680PREMIUM (0680-773-648) 800-SAMSUNG (800. [. . . ]